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How often antifreeze for once?
[REVIEW]Many owners are aware oil change intervals, probably even knew that the brakes need oil changed every two years, but it is easy to overlook the replacement of antifreeze coolant, and many owners do not know antifreeze coolant replacement cycle is much, do not know how to buy. Here for everyone to look at science.

              Antifreeze coolant replacement cycle how long?

       They said the vehicle's manual is a "canon", even if you know nothing about the vehicle, as long as a closed-door practice, though not sure what you understand about the vehicle, but at least you have a basic understanding. So when their car for replacement of antifreeze coolant, open the user manual to find out.


Most of the family car are replaced once every two years, or forty thousand kilometers. Of course, this is just a reference to the replacement cycle, they can be replaced based on actual usage, due more to go twelve hundred million kilometers or cycle to extend about a year or more, the problem is not large. If the strength of the car, then it can be replaced in advance.

        However, within the period not yet replace the antifreeze coolant, and if found antifreeze coolant is less than the minimum scale value (antifreeze coolant normal volume should be between MIN and MAX), will increase in time, otherwise it will affect the cooling performance of the engine .

       How to add antifreeze coolant?

       When it comes to adding antifreeze coolant, where there are precautions that antifreeze coolant between different brands and different models do not mix, to avoid different chemical compositions cause antifreeze coolant failure.


In other words, replacing antifreeze coolant, the best choice is the same brand of the same model. If you switch to a different brand of antifreeze coolant, it is best to advance inside the engine antifreeze coolant emptied and cleaned and then add all the cooling circuit.

        Antifreeze coolant how to choose? Compared to oil, antifreeze coolant choose more simple. In addition to the name suggests antifreeze coolant cooling functions, but also to prevent the condensation temperature is low, in order to work properly.

       How to buy antifreeze coolant?

       We buy antifreeze coolant when, where can use the lowest temperature to be selected, the freezing point of antifreeze coolant is preferably lower than the local minimum temperature of about a 15 °, to ensure that extreme weather is abnormal antifreeze coolant strike.

       【General antifreeze coolant are about $ 70, performance has to meet daily use】

       For the average vehicle, the use of universal antifreeze coolant have been able to meet daily needs, prices are generally also about $ 70, this may be ready to use, mainly alternative brand Castrol, Shell and Great Wall based.

       It should be noted that some antifreeze coolant rata watered in order to play "effectiveness", there are many owners to buy back did not read the instructions on the direct use, eventually leading to engine "boil", so no matter what kind to buy antifreeze coolant, read all the instructions before use, to ensure foolproof.

       Lifelong need to replace the antifreeze coolant fly it?

       Currently on the market has also introduced a number of "life-long need to replace the" antifreeze coolant, compared to ordinary antifreeze coolant, the biggest advantage is that they are in life without replacing the use of the vehicle, reducing the hassle. For this product, the individual owners or recommend careful selection is wonderful.

       【Main "life without replacement" of antifreeze coolant price to more than 1,000 yuan】


Because these antifreeze coolant at every turn of 1,000 yuan, the price is relatively expensive. Although life without replacement, but it is difficult to ensure during use without adding. Moreover, the price of 1,000 yuan, if replaced by an ordinary antifreeze coolant, even if coupled with every change of working hours costs 50 yuan, the total cost of a replacement also about $ 120.

        I believe we are here to forget it, put the cost of ordinary antifreeze coolant is worth 10 times before a bottle of "life antifreeze coolant" and change 10 times the ordinary antifreeze coolant, run almost 400,000 kilometers. If a vehicle collision leads to the water tank burst, it will wipe out 1,000 yuan. Personal opinion, this gimmick than practical significance expensive commodity, or carefully choose better.

       Water can not replace the antifreeze coolant?


Instead of water hazards antifreeze coolant used in the printing did not say so serious, if short-term emergency use, water is possible, there will be no damage to the thermostat or blocked cooling channels, there is a lot of water in the car directly Speedway as a coolant. Also, if you find antifreeze coolant is below the minimum, side and no antifreeze coolant can add, you can also add water to temporarily replace. After reducing the antifreeze coolant is mainly caused by the evaporation of water.

        See here, everyone should know when to replace the antifreeze coolant, but also know how to choose. If your antifreeze coolant has not yet started to quickly replace it, wait until the engine "boil" and then you regret it later.

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