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Deepest oil additives decryption
REVIEW: still hesitant to use oil additives to the car it? After reading the article you will understand, all thick dry.

      Car friends all know, there is often a time to do maintenance service consultant recommended conservation agent and various engine oil additives. Some friends try holding the mentality to their car by using some of it is that it's pure liar flicker, in fact, in the final analysis everyone is oil additives do not have a very clear understanding. This is just the solution you need to bring the deepest oil additives decryption. What is the mule is a horse, let's look together.

       Oil additives in the end is what is it? The first oil additives actually used in the rally and other racing engines to help better lubrication and engine protection. But with the growing number of civilian cars, oil additives gradually into the public view. We know there is a lot of different oil additives, brand and price is also uneven. But almost all have multiple effects advertised: abrasion resistance, noise reduction, burning oil repair, repair cylinder pressure, fuel economy, cold start protection.

       After reading it advertised these effects, we have to look at a detailed analysis of the oil additive ingredients. Through the map you can see, in fact, the oil additive with a chemical agent, which is added by the ratio of different chemical composition, may have anti-wear, clean engine, corrosion and rust and other functions. But no matter how feature, remember flaunt additives such as governance burning oil recovery cylinder pressure and other functions nonsense. In fact, think about it can understand, burning oil and the lack of cylinder pressure are valves, cylinders and other mechanical parts with a gap larger cause, to repair only by mechanical adjustments, a bottle of additive is certainly ineffective.

       Speaking of additives must talk about oil, the oil is actually a lot of people do not understand. In fact, we usually care with oil is composed of two parts: the base oil and additives, wherein the base oil accounts for about 95% of additives accounted for about 5%, there is content of 5% of the additive is actually above spoken chemical agents. This means that the oil which you normally use, it has been added in proportion to the deployment of a good oil additives, and after a rigorous test to verify that it does not because of high temperature and pressure and deteriorated. Such as Shell, Mobil, Castrol motor oil and other big manufacturers will use Infineum, Lubrizol Additives and other large manufacturers of additives. So long as we do maintenance on time, to the car to put new oil suitable label, it has been fully able to meet the needs of engine maintenance, no need to waste money on a separate oil additives. Some friends will ask, I add more additives are not better? There is a saying called extremes meet, not only pay more additives may be invalid, because there is no verification may lead to other problems of integration of the engine.

       There's friends will ask me in the 4S shop to do maintenance when they are using a mineral oil or semi-synthetic oil, but I want to provide better protection for the engine, is not based on this additive can be added to the oil to reach full synthetic oil effect? To explain this issue we take a look at how the oil is classified it. In fact, the difference between ordinary mineral oil and synthetic oil only in that the base oil. Base oil mineral oil is full of conventional oils, base oils full chemical synthesis is fully synthetic motor oil, then oil is a mineral base oils and synthetic chemical called blending semi-synthetic oil. That, added to ordinary mineral oil additives and oil will not become fully synthetic engine oil, even the semi-synthetic oil is not really. Want to achieve through the use of synthetic motor oil engine oil additive effect is clearly impossible.

       Small series engine oil additive online, out of the results of Ling Lang everywhere, dazzling, overwhelmed. Prices of various brands of various additives from tens to hundreds of pieces ranging from the block, were wearing anti-wear, repair burning oil, energy-saving noise reduction and other multiple effects. I will not speak of this price difference, we look at these features are not really as propaganda said. Xiao Bian immediately into a high price point, it looks pretty good additive brand Taobao home page, pop-up to the product introduction is the video shown in the figure on the right, then what is this video of this machine was? To express what is it? Let me give you thin to have been.

       The video of this whole thing called lubricating wear test machine, and interested friends can learn more about the Internet alone. Greatly briefly tell us something about its role: This machine wear plus analog weight load of the engine on the left side of the lever, put the force bearing and rotor wear wear contact lever on the right place, at the at the bottom of the oil sump oil and oil additives added to the test, and finally by the force bearing a different oil additives wear to show results.

       Many additives manufacturers in the 4S shop to promote their products, they both like to use this machine to do wear test. The test results are generally in the figure above effect: not only oil and oil additives using the brand's bearings are grind a variety of pits, and the use of the additive bearing surface is very smooth, almost invisible signs of wear . 



      So, wear on the machine to show this effect in the engine also apply it? The answer of course is no. Operating conditions of the engine is a high temperature, high pressure, high speed near the sealed condition of the lubricating oil in the engine of the attenuation mechanism is very complex. And there is movement within the engine reciprocating, rotary, urging the ever-changing ways, just wear this simple test machine to demonstrate the effect of anti-wear additives in the engine, is clearly untenable. In fact, a common international standard quality lubricating oil system consists of physical and chemical indicators, simulation, bench test and road test of four parts, as the use of additives in the engine, without assessment of these criteria, the mere abrasion test machine to verify the effect is like arena Youyi the same deception.

       Small series in the domestic authority of academic websites known Chinese online search engine wear and oil additives and related academic journals found that there is a direct paper points out the machine with anti-wear additives are used to detect the quality unscientific. In the study of oil additive effect of several papers in journals, test equipments used standard engine bench test system, which is described in academia wear this machine is not recognized and used.

       Give it popularizes: First, the feeler on the map, used to measure the gap kinds of precision machinery parts, of course, also be used to measure the gap with the various parts of the engine, which is generally called a unit wire, wire 1 = 0.01 mm. If the engine of the parts with the gap Jisi how discrepancies, then the engine noise will range from large, heavy oil is burned knocking abnormal sound. What does this mean? If you explain the important parts of the engine if the machine grind antifriction bearing clear that pit, then you would have an engine overhaul scrapped from far away. So do not be completely wear test machine scared, do not be a so-called additive effect to overawed.


       These additives brand-name manufacturers to promote the additives and 4S shop on Taobao sell most of additives, the sales price may be from tens to one or two hundred dollars, in view of cost reasons not like racing use as oil additives containing graphene, organic molybdenum and other expensive ingredients, basic or even some basic additive component is shoddy products, we also mentioned earlier basic additive oil inside itself, so it was not really come as a direct oil change and security.

       In fact, competitive market segments, in addition to increases explosion models of cars, selling cars 4S profit is very low, so 4S wanted a way to make money in the financial and credit sale. So as oil additives such "unwanted sound" and high-profit stuff 4S shop sale will certainly promote the use of it, and they like to use manufacturer-specific models or XX dedicated to everyone, then surgery when selling to fool everyone. Or when you change the oil maintenance is recommended that you use the engine cleaning additives, released after cleaning black oil said to be clean additive effect. In fact, the release of black oil is dirt inside the engine oil which has been called dispersants things separated and dissolved in the oil, with the release of oil discharged. That in itself would have added oil cleaning the engine function, of course, if you want to thoroughly clean the engine, still have to be washable job.

       Having said that, in fact, want to tell you in the market to buy the additive almost always ineffective. So we need to take care of the engine should be how to do it? In fact, just the normal maintenance intervals specified by the manufacturer according to do on the line. Under the current Warranty Act interpret ambiguous situations, in order to ensure that the engine of Three Guarantees, the warranty period, we can only choose the basic or discuss with the 4S shop for maintenance, but maintenance additives are not essential items specified by the manufacturer, do not remember 4S fooled by added additives. In the car off after Paul, we can choose to buy their own smaller congregation (too many public fake oil) synthetic motor oil for maintenance, maintenance intervals can be extended to 10,000 kilometers or even longer.

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