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Lights converted need to know the details, keep in mind that regulations carefully selected fixture.
[REVIEW]With the popularity of car, modified lights more and more riders. Refit lights just to improve security should the primary point of departure is the second appearance considerations.

       With the popularity of car, modified lights more and more riders. In general, the modification mainly before change headlamps, interior lights mainly, but also includes the installation of Strobe, chassis lights, position lights. Currently, the majority of riders starting point conversion lights or in appearance-based, in fact, there is a misunderstanding here, precisely because the lights should be modified to improve the safety of the primary starting point, appearance is secondary consideration.

       Remember Regulation

      If the front face of the car as a "face", then, is the headlight "eyes" while the car is the lighting of the "eye." If you want this "eye" transformation, it would have to learn from the most basic knowledge of laws and regulations to start. "People's Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety Law" Article 97 stipulates headlights wattage can not exceed 60W. For the installation of unauthorized acts xenon lights, according to "Road Traffic Safety Law" Article 90 provides that in order to remodel it violates the principles of vehicle safety, fined 200 yuan and 3 points; if the original car halogen headlight replaced xenon headlights, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "road traffic safety law" will be punished by a fine of 500 yuan to 2,000 yuan. So vehicle owners must comply with provisions in this regard when the lamp upgrade, otherwise the police will be subject to penalties.

       Some car lovers asked: "This will be fined, it will be fined, can not change it?" In fact, follow the regulations, modified headlights in the regulations permitted range, or can be done. First, if you want to upgrade xenon lamp, must be original on the use of xenon headlamps car, you can choose like Osram xenon headlights that original spare parts, to improve the brightness of the light within the regulations scope; secondly, for the original car use halogen bulb vehicles, according to the relevant provisions can not be replaced by a xenon lamp, but you can use the original brightness of the lights increase in requirements, in order to achieve lighting effects to enhance the effect.

       Carefully selected fixture

       Currently car headlights modified pieces wide range of huge price difference, cohabitation, particularly automotive headlamps and relates directly to the safety of driving at night, it must be particularly careful in choosing. More common halogen bulb, from tens to hundreds of one pair have a bad brand-name bulb brightness is not high not only limited life, and may burn line. It is recommended that you try to select original equipment brand lights. For example, in high-profile riders among the second generation Nightcrawler lamp is Osram automotive lighting flagship product, than ordinary products to enhance its brightness 90%, an increase of 35 meters from the lighting, which greatly enhance the night driving in lighting safety index. OSRAM is one of the world's leading automotive lighting supplier.

       HID xenon headlights, the price difference between different brands is also evident due to the Xenon HID headlamps are very complex technical process and spare parts, poor HID often very short life, transformer boxes and is very easy to burn out bulbs, and color temperature brightness and scattering angles are also often do not meet the requirements, so it is best to choose such as Osram high-profile manufacturers products, so they are cheap suffer a great deal.

       For others

       An important principle is to follow the vehicle modification "civilized modified", the lights also true. Some turn HID lamps owners tend to cause passers resentment, on the one hand, some of these people because in order to cool, choose the color temperature is too high, bluish color of HID lamps, this particular blue light will stimulate the other passers-by and drivers eyes, not only unpleasant, but also affect security; on the other hand, many owners do not pay attention to driving at night with lights rules, such as the wrong car high beam, indiscriminate flash lights, etc., not only distasteful, more likely to induce traffic accident. Therefore, modifications have more lights for others. On the road, safety is often interrelated, the safety of others, then your own security in a way, will get one more heavy protection.

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